
Ahmadiyya Muslim Community’s peaceful approach to Jihad is rooted in the Holy Quran and the actions and sayings of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). The founder of our community, Mirza Ghulam Ahmad, the Promised Messiah and Mahdi, proclaimed over a hundred years ago: “I have come to you with an order: jihad with the sword has ended from this time forward, but the jihad of purifying your souls must continue. I do not say this of my own accord. This is indeed the will of God. Recall the hadith from Sahih al-Bukhari which honours the Promised Messiah by saying yada-‘ul-harb. That is to say, when the Messiah comes he will put an end to religious wars (British Government and Jihad. p. 18).


Women Rights

Before the advent of Islam, women, as a class, enjoyed no statutory rights. Islam is the only religion which established a perfect body of precepts – giving full protection to the rights of women, making them equal of men, both in the spiritual and religious spheres of life. Islam gave women the right to marry, divorce, choose their spouse, own property, and gain education, among others. Ahmadiyya Muslim Community has its own women’s auxiliary which is established in nearly 70 chapters across the U.S.



The Holy Qur’an speaks of creation only in step by step progressive stages which are well provided for, categorically rejecting the concept of spontaneous generation. The Holy Quran states that life resulted from evolution. However, this evolution was not blind or random. Rather, evolution was controlled by Divine hand. This Divine hand accounts for the beginning, diversity and complexity of life on Earth.

Several verses suggest an evolution controlled and directed by the hand of the Creator.“O man, what has emboldened thee against thy Gracious Lord, Who created thee, then perfected thee, then proportioned thee aright? In whatever form He pleased, He fashioned thee.” (Ch.82:7-9)


Shari’ah Law

Ahmadiyya Muslim Community supports the idea of a separation between church and state. The Qur’an does not specify any specific form of government other than a beneficent one that is based on absolute justice:“Verily, Allah enjoins justice, and the doing of good to others; and giving like kindred; and forbids indecency and manifest evil and transgression. He admonishes you that you may take heed.” (16:91). 

Shariah, on the other hand, can be divided into five main branches: ibadah (ritual worship), mu’amalat (transactions and contracts), adab (behavior), (morals and manners), i’tiqadat (beliefs), and ‘uqubat (punishments). Key thing to remember about Shariah is that it’s intended to develop a moral and just society without any element of compulsion.